My Take on Jayla Koriyan's "Pretty 'n' Educated"

For the past four to five months, I've been reading one of my favorite YouTuber's books. Now I know that sounds like such a long time, but for how much I was busy I would say that was a decent amount of time. I first heard about the book after it's initial release in 2016, and decided to add it to my "sweet sixteen wishlist." The book is written by beauty influencer Jayla Koriyan who has since publishing her book created her own hair extensions company, worked with various makeup brands & has reached over 300,000 subscribers on YouTube.

I enjoyed the book so much even after the first couple chapters, I decided to do a photoshoot with it.

       The book was intended to be a guide for young girls who are going to be entering college to  give them all the do's & don'ts when arriving or even before arrival. Personally, I found the book to be very refreshing, and helpful as I myself will be graduating in the year 2019. The book is a great guide to help give you the in's & outs of things you may only have a surface knowledge of.

Jayla gave advice about college from the beginning to the end. It can be scary for anyone, male or female, to go to college. Especially when going in to a new environment, finding where you fit in or a particular niche. Some of my favorite topics that she talked about in the book was being able to budget financially, how to stay low on college debt, and even balancing both academic & party life. I felt as though Jayla was very apologetic with her approach on things while staying sensitive to the issues that you can face while in college. I'm glad that she decided to discuss  & staying safe while being sexually active. We tend to not think about those types of things while in the moment. One decision you can make can really change the rest of your life so it's more than important to stay on top of things, and ask questions when need be. 
To add, Jayla has always been pretty helpful when it comes to fashion & makeup so I wasn't surprised when that too was included in the book. I appreciated it being towards the end because for some people that can be their main concern instead of the actual issues they may have to face. One thing I do wish is that she would've spent a little more time on is mental health, and depression while in college but even still, everything was coordinated greatly in the book.
Jayla also added in segments in the book where you can write in for your own experiences or fill things out with your own answers. For example, when giving advice on moving in to college Jayla gave room for you to write in your pros and cons for life on & off campus. Along with this, she made space for all of her personal tips on dorm life & a dorm essentials checklist. These tips of writing spaces are all throughout the book depending on what the topic for that section is. Following this, after every chapter there's also a quote from relating to the chapter, majority of them directly from her.
One of my favorite quotes from the book, though there was so many, was "to love yourself is the greatest love of all." This quote was one of my favorites because self-love is very essential when it comes to finding yourself when it's easy to be influenced, and pulled in various directions in college. I hope you consider adding this book to your reading list, it's definitely worth it. 

Always a pleasure sharing with you, thank you.

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