How We Let Other People Determine Our Emotions

Growing up, we are always so conscious of other people's perception of us. Based off other people's perception, that can determine how we feel about ourselves, and the people around us. These people can be friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors— anyone who has an opinion about you. Can people provoke you? Of course; but how long do you have to carry what  someone said or did to you?  Emotions are what follow after those things happens. Emotions of pain, regret, shame; Even the self reflection of, "am I really enough?" or "why wasn't I born that way?" People's opinions of you can affect our emotions in more ways than what we realize, positively or negatively.

You then have the option of your own response to people's opinions.

Is what the person said something that you had to retaliate? Whether, it's the simple asking of why they would say or do what they did or a big drawn out fight— you make the decision of how you let people affect your emotions. In some situations, it does take time to get over said situation, and be able to loosen the emotions related to anger to ones of more a neutral or positive outlook.

If you decide to fight this person for their opinion or perspective that you differ from, is fighting that person actually worth it? Or is it just an initial instinct that you'll regret later. When you let someone dump their negativity on you, it carries weight. When you let someone address you with ignorance, it can have a negative response that shouldn't have to be your response if you know that it's not the right thing to do.

It's a choice on whether or not you let someone take you out your character. Don't let someone else's ignorance define you. You know what you like, dislike, want, and not want about yourself so use that to your advantage. Use it by helping to contribute to your feelings instead of the forefront being other people's.

We should make our own decisions on how we view ourselves, and stop trying to live up to society's expectations of how we should look, act, feel, or say. Be secure in how you truly feel.

Always a pleasure being able to share with you, thank you. 

S/N: I do sincerely apologize for their being a lack of content, my schedule has been quite hectic lately but I plan on resuming my consistent upload schedule of Tuesdays & Saturdays as soon as possible.

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